Turn around and she is having her wedding gown fitted. Turn around and she is watching her little boy graduate from pre-school. Turn around and she is chasing her two year old son  through the park heading to the treehouse. Turn around and her little girl is rocking her baby doll to sleep. Turn around. Like a game of duck, duck, goose she is now tapped on the shoulder and it becomes her turn to "turn around." The paradox of life is that the moments can be recaptured but the time flies by. Duck, duck, goose indeed. Each turn around is to be treasured. Turn around and she is playing in her room pretending to be a princess and next she is sitting with you discussing her first date with " the one." You turn around and look in the mirror. Can you see the child still there. Can you see your wedding dress being fitted, you chasing your little boy through the park, your little girls playing hopscotch.  The moments of your life. Never gone. Today turn around and visit your life again. An ageless experiment.


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