Camelot and the quest

Can there be a heroic way to live a life especially in a time that seems so unheroic.  The day is filled with such nonsense and triviality. Fame is found by the good, the bad and the terrible on a regular basis.  The media chases after the unusual, even if it is the baddest of the bad. That starts to corrode the rightness of the right thing to do. We begin to question that very concept of a heroic, quiet, decent way to present ourselves each day.

Maybe that is why King Arthur and Camelot still captivates us. Might for right. Chivalry. Romance. Sacrifice for the greater good. The Round Table. No corners. No head of the table. Everyone equal in the effort. And the quest.

The quest for an idea. An ideal. A vision. A place to try to make sense of it all. So try to live a heroic life starting today. Live boldly. Don’t cut any corners. Don’t talk about honor and nobility but rather live with honor and act nobly.

Can there be a heroic way to live. If we each decide to do just that, we might have a chance yet. Decide on your vision quest today.


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