Do You Have a Rhino in Your Life?

It was in the Chitwan National Park in Nepal that the rhino came into my life.
Oh I had seen the rhino in zoos and photographs but never like this before.
On foot we wandered through the jungle sanctuary and there he was.
At one moment he started to charge us but then I guess he did not feel any threat and went back to grazing. It was a moment indeed.
But what was it about him that has fascinated me so ever since.
Why is it that some animals just “speak to us” in some manner that we can’t explain.
For me it became the rhino.
But what was its meaning to me on my daily journey.
For me the rhino became a symbol of being dependable, being present, being unflappable, being surefooted, and only charging when the moment really calls for charging. No wasted energy. Total focus and yes, acting without expectation.
Clearly a way to live agelessly.


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