February 4: What would it feel like to be 100% you a 100% in the present moment.
You unfiltered. Not a negative you. But a positive energy you. Tasting,touching,hearing, seeing and smelling life in all its shapes,forms and textures but at 100% squared.
The teacher stood before the class and inquired how anyone could be truly perceptive of what was going on in their life unless they were present in their life completely. Have you shown up for your life.
So often the teacher would hear the plea that the student really tried hard. But the question came back what if trying wasn't enough. What if trying was removed from the vocabulary. It was doing and being that was required for a full life. Not trying to do and be in your life.
Does it feel that you may always be one step removed from the experience of life. Thinking about it too much. Questioning the action and trying to control the expectations. Fearful of the critic.
There is that acting without expectation again. There is that duality again.
Today's Ageless Experiment is to live it 100% you today. A hopeful,caring,loving,compassionate you but fully and completely. Risky but at least honesty presenting yourself. The universe might just respond 100% in return. It has been waiting to finally meet you. So show up today for class. …it is an ageless moment.


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