A reframing of the narrative

The saying  on the tee shirt said it all. It was perfect on so many levels. I mean there we were on Christmas eve morning, at Crossfit, working out doing the wall balls, ball slams, push presses, snatches and squats over and over and…you get the idea by now.

But there we were refusing to be defined by age, time or categories. We were just folks pushing ourselves to our outer limits when I saw this hard pushing crossfitter drop the kettle bell, smile and noticed her saying on her tee shirt.

I said that is great! It says it all.

The tee shirt said….”strong is the new skinny”.

Think about it. This year focus on health. Focus on exercise. Focus on lifestyle . Focus on eating right not just trying to lose weight. Make your new years resolution one of saying that you will reframe the narrative of your life. And , by all means….strong is the new skinny.

The ageless experiment.


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