Hour of the Wolf … a reflection

We all think about it sooner or later.  It is inevitable.  There is no getting around it or away from it.  And if you think you can ignore it it will remind you at the hour of the wolf. The time left.  The remaining distance. The look in the mirror and the crooked smile that you give yourself when you see what was, what is and what will be.  So what to do? What to consider? If you have read Wolf then you know there are choices to be made. Decisions to consider as you go forward.

What will you do? What choice will you make? What decision will you reach for?  I hope it is to consciously love each moment with purpose and meaning. Not to toss it aside.  To laugh loud. Smile with joy.  Hold tight those who matter. Don’t be afraid. And keep going.

Don’t phone your life in. Participate.  Help others.  Be present.  Connect and remember that this is the IT.


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