Defining success

Defining success. Some see it only in a very tangible way.  Stuff. Things.  Bank accounts. Investments.  You know…stuff.  Nothing wrong with stuff. But is that all it is? I have seen so many who have stuff and are so lost.

Or is it the richness of friendships.  The human connection.  Reaching out and being there for a friend.

Or is it the love for what you do.  How you spend the frailty of your days. Are you enjoying how you spend your dwindling time on this earth.  Helping another

Or is it the spirit world.  Connecting with more than our mortal limited story.  Realising there is the bigger picture and the meaning of our journey.

Or is it a combination of it all and more. Who gets lost and who finds their path.  What a question. The eternal question.

Maybe it is living each day as if it were your first and last. Because it basically is.  Each day you have a chance to make the wrong right.  To speak your truth.  To live fearlessly. To love fully.  To help and make things right.

Success. What does it mean to you.  As you teach the young ones maybe you need to define success to yourself first.


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