A swing and a release

It seemed simple enough. I mean there was the 12 minute run and the bench presses, but the WOD itself was a few letters and a number…KB 150.

For crossfitters it was kettle bell swings 150 times. But every minute on the minute, stop to do 5 box jumps.  Not a complicated exercise. Nothing fancy but by the end we were so done we were like soaked, brittle toast…I know that makes no sense but it just felt hot and cold, brittle and loose, energized and exhausted all at the same time.

As I laid on the floor, I thought about the ability to just keep at one thing in a constant, consistent way. Not giving up. Not giving in. At 90 reps I thought I couldn’t do 60 more but once 150 was reached I dropped the KB and let go of all effort.

Maybe that is a key to life too. Be consistent. Be present. Be constant. Give it till it hurts. Then release, let go, drop the weight and appreciate the honest effort.  It is dropping the weight in life that is the challenge. Can you make the effort and then let go and release. Smile and move on.

The ageless experiment.


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