Disconnect and rediscover

Let’s try it this way…today, just stop what you are doing or planning to do and literally stop. Stop the phone. The laptop. The emails. The texts. The …whatever.
It is Sunday and it is time to sit in a quiet place. Contemplate. Meditate. Turn off the noise. Make a hot cup of coffee or tea or a tall glass of ice water and sip it slowly and take the feelings of the day in. How does the day feel. Let it flow over you. Enjoy the moment. Take a walk and just witness the day.
Leave the car at home. Walk a bit. Chill out. Disconnect from technology and reconnect with the meaning of time. The meaning of you.
Aren’t you tired of the nonsense. The hubris. The hypocrisy.
So today…disconnect and then reconnect to you. How would it feel. No TV. No radio. No Internet. Just you in the silence. You might just rediscover the purpose of the now.


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