Enjoying the moment

I watched as they ran across the sky bridge that spanned the wild animal sanctuary. Two 10 year old grandchildren laughing, looking, experiencing and living in the moment.  The beautiful lions, tigers, foxes, bears and other animals were also in the moment of their day.

In the moment.  No past. No future.  Just now. When did we, as adults, lose that gift of living in the moment we are living in? Living in the living moment.

For a moment you get there. When you do the day gets lighter and brighter. You feel better.  About everything.  We so over analyze.  We so over think things.  Worry consumes the day. Then the day is done and you missed it.  Odd. Don’t you think. So how about today … as an experiment… just be in the moment.  See how much better your moment can be.  What do you have to lose.  Try it.  Let me know what happens.


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