January 16: What if time was treated like a treasure. A treasure that people search their lives for. The great crusades and grand adventures that have taken place that looked for the Holy Grail or King Solomon's mine instead had been on the quest for the hidden caves, valleys,mountain tops where legend had it that time resided
And once time was discovered and retrieved it would be brought home and appreciated and recognized as the greatest acquisition there could be.
If time were treated this way, what would your day feel like. What would the moments you spend with friends and family feel like.
As I get older I so appreciate time and its gift.
I hope I choose more wisely how to spend it and who to spend it with.
How would you fill up the day if it was something you knew would break or crack if mishandled.
Would we be bolder in making our life choices, the work we do, the changes we know we need to make if we reframed time this way. Would we risk and move to a new city,like a few of our friends and family have done ,in order to seek what they felt was missing or capture what they knew was needed to make life more rewarding.
Would they leave the job that is not working and maybe never was working in order to show respect for time and how precious it is.
In the world of the ageless the more moments you spend with time the more you appreciate it. In such a world age is honored. In such a world the young do not dread getting older but look forward to spending more time with such a treasure.


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