January 19: Revisiting the Gates of our lives. If we could go back and revisit certain Gates in our lives would we enter differently, not enter at all or do everything the same way as before.
Which Gate has it turned out to be the most life changing. The Choice of Job Gate, the School Gate, the Health Gate. Pick the Gate that you know changed it all that you want to unchange.
Even though we can not go back in time but since I believe nothing is unchangeable in the World of the Ageless, let's enter this Twilight Zone episode and see what adjustments you would make and why.
If we refuse to accept any tipping point moment and believe that we are still in control of our life choices and time is not an enemy but is rather a treasure and is there to continue to enrich us, what would you do and why.
You would begin what. You would stop doing what. You would be fearless now and risk that which you foolishly chose not to even try at an earlier time.Indeed you would be happier no matter the resulting change because you finally gave a voice to the inner prayer. Welcome to your new world of the Ageless Do not say in resignation…I can't believe this is how it turned out. Rather bravely say: this is the Gate we enter now.


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