The Urgency of Now

The report first came in that there was a problem.

A serious problem.

A life effecting one.

How do you respond to such news.

The frailty of it all became palpable.

For some reason we both shrugged and recognized the inevitability of the inevitable.

The next few days were filled with appreciating everything. Literally everything.

The blue sky.

The white clouds.

The sweat from a tough workout.

The touch of a hand.

The reaching out to loved ones and friends about the news.

The kindness in the reactions.

Time is our most precious gift. Our true currency.

Our only opportunity to connect and make each moment count.

We throw it around like it will always be there. It will not.

Life needs to have an urgency about it.

The meaning in the end is how you live each day and the positive energy you share.

What are you waiting for.

The invitation to the party arrived.

Join in.

The urgency of now.

The news got better as the week came to an end.

Open up and be present now.

There is only the moment.

At any age.

The ageless experiment.


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