There is always a Monster in the corners of the mind.
We create Monsters all the time in our lives. Our minds exaggerate an issue,create a bigger problem when the small problem will do. It can not be ignored that once we solve a daily problem there is always another Monster in the corner of our minds to fill in. It is the nature of man.
As I enter the Ageless Experiment, I have learned to acknowledge the Monster , accept the reality that there is always one in the corner and then….focus on the rest of the day, the rest of time and not telescope on that one corner .
It is a very zen moment to accept and embrace the daily Monster. Tip my hat to it, welcome it into my life, ask what lesson it wants to teach me today but then let go of it and live the rest of the day. It is amazing how the Monster slowly joins in the play or gets very small or just decides ,for the rest of that day, to take a rest.
What Monsters in a corner of the mind do you give too much power to. In Ageless time, how would you reframe it and live fully.


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