5 breaths. What would you do

Breath.  In and out.  The difference between life and death.  The singular breath.  One. Yet we ignore it as if it was our right. As if it belonged to us and we could take it or leave it. Breath is a gift.  A treasure.  A blessing.  Without it we cease. Think about it.  Now what if you just knew there were 5 breaths left.  5.

What would you do then. Could you solve the riddle of your life? Would your priorities change? How would you spend your time then? With whom? Reflecting on what? Forgiving yourself?  Being one with the universe? Stop trying so hard?

In These Five Breaths… my new book in progress… is all about that moment when you finally come to grips with breath. With life.  With time.  Each breath holds a story.  A memory.  A longing.  A hope.

Hour of the Wolf is about time and being  the author of your life story.  Each day counting. Now let’s tell the story of the last 5 breaths. The exquisite moment of the breath.


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