Unbridled. Unrestrained.Unleashed. Letting go and being released.
What would it feel like to run for the finish line at full gallop, no cares, nothing to think about but that moment of time.
Laughing as loud as you can. Loving with total abandon. An unbridled life.
The boxes are so confining. The box inside the box gets so tight. The definition inside the definition. The specialty inside the specialty. And then you are bridled, restrained,leashed and cornered.
So many are trapped that way. But it is not your destiny.
Take the bridle off. Release the leash.
Redefine exactly who you can be.
I saw them walk off the elevator.
Different ages. Different stages in their careers.
But a sameness filled the room.
Uniqueness rubbed away.
There is a loss with that gain.
There is a gain with the loss.
An ageless experiment.


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