March 3: Who made the rules anyway. Who decided one or the other way was the right or wrong way for you
Who elected that person or committee to make those rules, signs,and decisions on how you should and can live your life.
Odd how we permit that to happen.
We have been given free choice yet seem to give it up so easily.
It is as if we are seeking a way to escape from freedom.Break out of freedom as if it were a prison and lock ourself away in other's rules and approval as if that were the liberation.
It takes courage to stand by your definition of you.. But, after all, it is your life. Only you answer for you in the end.
Make sure you wisely hear your own voice and not be misdirected by some distant voice from a sign maker who many times can not even spell correctly.
In your defining moments define yourself. Some play it so safe that they never really experience the life they have been given.No risk. No dangerous curves. No rain soaked roads. The growth occurs on the curves. The wisdom is achieved during the risk.
It is all part of the ageless experiment.


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