January 25: No one is coming to save you. You are all alone and you have a choice to either wait for someone to come ( not going to happen) or to save yourself ( you have the power to do that..if you believe in yourself and the connection to the white light and the center of it all).
Yes, there are friends,family,loved ones who care,want to assist and will be there for you to give ideas,guidance,suggestions and support but at 3 a.m. when you open your eyes at the time some call the hour of the wolf it is just you with your thoughts and self created fears. At that time you know that you have a choice..it is time to choose..am I going to make the decision.
You have the power but you must act and act with courage.
Choose to live agelessly.Choose to define yourself as you choose not as others or society chooses for you. Choose to be part of the positive. Choose to be a ray of hope in the day.Choose to be the gift and the giver. Choose relevance. Choose to enter the Gate of Power. Choose to defeat the wolf at 3 a.m. Choose to participate in the Ageless Experiment.


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