So there you are. The time has come. It is judgment day and you are awaiting the decision on your fate. The judges have gathered and there is a lot of discussion and then it happens.
The judges turn to you and say judge yourself.
But how can you unless you have taken the time to first define yourself.
Only then can you make a judgment on how you did.
At that time the critics are all gone. At that time the chorus has gone quiet.
At that time it is just you and your opinion of you.
Have you lived your life true to your internal compass or kept looking at others for the compass direction.
At the Gate of Judgment you finally learn that it was always your choice all along. But what if you recognized that now. What if you decide to not listen to the critics and the chorus and choose to take your journey so that at judgment day you are ok and you can say…yes, that was my story told by me.
The Ageless Experiment at work.


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