Before you go

Once before I go. Peter Allen. It is just the best. He was always a favorite of mine. Just totally present. The boy from Oz.
Can you look back and accept the journey…flaws, errors, glorious mistakes, grand successes, foot in mouth, golden moments, laughter and tears…without regrets. Can you say you tried your best. You accept your life…your humanness, your honest attempt to find your voice and your passion…and then let it all go?
Once before you go, can you finally relax, laugh at the nonsense, look up and out and simply say thank you.
I believe that living in a state of grace means also living in a state of acceptance.
So lighten up. Chill it out. Raise your glass. Look to the horizon. And once before you go, say you are grateful for what is right in the here and now.


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