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The hero’s journey

We are all on one. Each of us. There is always a challenge. An obstacle. Sooner or later we are confronted with it. Our moment of truth. Are we victim, observer or hero. It is so easy to turn away. But we must not. We must face our challenge. There is that high noon moment. […]

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Who matters

Time has always fascinated me. Doesn’t it fascinate you? Time. Time is the fluid in which we travel. It is this body of water that we swim in as we go through our adventures during the day. As each moment ticks away it is gone forever. Yet while it is here we choose to be, […]

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Magic. Do you believe in it? I don’t mean magicians on TV or in shows. I mean real magic. When you consider it all, our life here is quite magical. Here we are. How did that come to be. The sun rises. The moon effects the tides. Yes, I know there are scientific explanations for […]

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Before. I remember before there were credit cards. You paid for what you bought right there. I remember before there was TV. We talked, read or listened to the radio. I remember before there was air conditioning in homes or cars. Before. Now we live in the “after” world. After all this noise and debt […]

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I had bypass surgery 6 months ago this coming Wednesday. 5 bypasses. I am back at crossfit challenging myself to be more. Testing the limits of healing and the body’s response. I am pushing forward. I realized once again that the gift is fragile. Yet the body and spirit are amazing. We are the ultimate […]

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Ageless. Timeless. Each day stands alone. Each day holds the promise of a chance to replay the hand you have been dealt. You can carry anger, fear, defeat forward or let it go. It is your choice. Can you learn the lesson and then move forward or are you locked into the same lesson over […]

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The effort

Crossfit has been part of my life now for quite a while. It has challenged me, pushed me, tested me and kept me healthy and health conscious. After my heart surgery I knew it would be some time to get back to the effort. Slowly that happened. But on this day it was a full […]

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What would your life be like if it was a poem? After all, it is. Do you see life as the romance it can be? Romance. Passion. Spirit. Light. Darkness. Life. Death. Reaching for the stars. Drowning in self pity. Poetry. Today, don’t live in the rut. Don’t live in the dull. Live in the […]

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The destination

The journey. The destination. They are one and the same. How you live your life each day, how you treat people, the choices you make, the people you help, the kindnesses you share, the smiles you bring to others, the passion with which you experience life…it all is part of the journey, which is the […]

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The unassuming leader

His mind was made for things other than what he did. He was creative. He was witty. He was very smart…not just books but life smart. Yet, life had thrown him a curve ball. Between the depression and illnesses, he settled into the routine of 9-5 work at a factory type setting. Important work but […]

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