February 20:Some times you feel like Cassandra. Some times you just "know" how it is going to play out but it doesn't matter because they have to learn the lesson their own way.
The story is told of Cassandra who was given the gift of prophecy. Whatever she saw in the future was the truth. It would happen just the way she saw it. Whatever she warned others was the gospel.
But the curse was that no one would believe anything she said.
This is probably just the human condition. The ego not being able to accept that the rules apply to all equally no matter the station in life or feeling of entitlement or invincibility, the consequences can be seen as clearly as a sunrise and yet the march goes forward toward the ultimate lesson.
You see it in children. You see it in headstrong decisions by so many. You see it in our leaders, politicians, famous and infamous alike. You want to say wait. Let's discuss real consequences…intended or not, but Cassandra would be nodding her head in sadness and resignation that her words will go upheeded.
But we must give Cassandra her due. Before a decision, can you see the consequences. Can you feel the results. You know how it is truly going to play out but you ignore it because you just don't think it will happen to you.
Acquiring wisdom is so often a rough road to walk. But is part of wisdom, slowing things down, looking into the future, nodding in recognition of certain truths and then pulling back,turning off,rethinking, looking for another solution, realizing vulnerabilities and then acting.
Even though you have seen how it plays out before with certain choices you ,somehow, believe,this time, it will be different. Put the ego down at the door and then enter the decision.
Wisdom is an ageless experiment.


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