It always comes back to the gate. Sooner or later the gate appears. This week there were multiple gates all at one time. It was life and death in all its complexity playing out in real time.Newly weds, funeral processions, birthday celebrations, T ball homeruns, game changing days…today…June 19th …being one of those days, laughter, tears, toasts and quiet moments. What a glorious adventure it all is. And all done as if it mattered.  The meaning of it all.In the end the gates have taught me to relax, go with the flow, laugh hard and loud and just don't take it all so seriously. Hug your friend today. Don't hold back. The gate teaches us that change is inevitable but once you accept it you move through it enjoying the opportunity you have been given to participate in the dance..So tear the bandages off, kick your shoes off, let your hair down, don't hide from yourself and have faith that the adventure can be joined at any age,at any stage and at any time. Live beyond age.Live beyond time. Define your journey your way…now.


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