January 14: If we were to choose to live in an ageless world what would that world feel like.
What would we not fret about. What would we not be fearful to try to do. Would we risk more. If we had each day to live freely and be not watching the calendar or the clock,what would the world we live in be.
Each New Year's eve we celebrate a new year. Yet it always puzzled me. We so joyfully let a year slip away and celebrate the passing of our lifes. So odd.It is the ultimate party we throw for the clock. Literally counting down minutes on a clock and our life.
So ok. What would the ageless life feel like.
Would it be a world of feelings. Colors. Tones. Sensations. I believe your senses would be more alive.
Commit to live at least one day experimenting with the world of the ageless. Then link those days together.
A world of light. A world of assisting others.A world of sharing. But also a world of unlimited possibilities. The freedom to do it all without thinking that the time is running out. We are not "senior". Nix the adjective that so many place before "citizen" or "person". If we did it would liberate all since the young are worried about getting older and the older are worried about the next stage. We have no control over any of it. So choose life now…unconnected to age and the clock.



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