She walked through the garage not realizing that some joggers were going by and the garage door was still open. Throwing something out in the trash and then heading back into the house.
Don't know her name or anything else really other than how she carried herself. Bent shoulders, shuffle in the walk. Not old but seemed drawn and weary.
From the day? From the what? No way to know.
Yet there had to be an earlier time when the walk was brisker and more determined.
Choices. Decisions. Compromises. Curved road instead of straight. Who can tell.
An example of being the sum of our choices. Not risking. Not challenging ourselves.
In the Ageless Experiment it is never too late. There is always a re-play button.
Yes, the critics will critique. But that is their appointed task.
The road to your personal salvation may be narrow and steep. But would you really have it any other way.
No matter the age…begin.


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