The beauty of the Gate is that only when you get there do you realize that a change is taking place or must take place.
It is as if we go on automatic pilot for so much of our lives. It is all so routine.We travel in habit mode. The same time each day to do x…The same time each day to fight with y,,,The same thing each day to fret or complain about…and then the Gate appears.
Maybe planned ,maybe unexpected but there it is . Just like the giant black monolith from the book …2001. There it is the monolith…the Gate.heralding the dawn of a new direction, a new beginning, a new opportunity to evolve as a person. To challenge yourself. To experience the adventure anew.
The monolith can appear at any time. The Gate can appear at any place in your life. Instead of being fearful of it embrace it and venture forth into the evolution of your life.
It can happen any time. Since that is the truth it means you are indeed ageless to experience life fresh any moment the Gate-monolith shows up.
Touch it,enter it and be transformed.


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