Volcanos, Iceland, France, D-Day and time.
Every once in a while…maybe only once in a lifetime…do events unfold that puts everything in context and once again establishes nature as the all knowing and man's position papers, man's chatter, man's commentary as nothing more than chatter, commentary and position papers. Empty stuff indeed.
There is an old saying: Man plans and God laughs.
In this case nature in all her glory. Not good. Not bad. Just glorious, innocent and so powerful it numbs the senses.
The trip to France was long planned. The excursion to Normandy to visit the sights and sacred grounds of the D-Day invasion were waiting. Yet on that summer day so long ago weather conditions effected timing of the invasion and certain strategic decisions.
Now,a volcano in Iceland erupts and the world stops.
It feels like the day the earth stood still but not by any alien. Rather it is by our beautiful planet…our earth spaceship travelling through space and time …that makes us all stand still. Flights canceled. The world waits to see what Mother Earth has in store for us.
As we wait we must see the lesson here.
Lighten up. Don't take us so seriously.
Between the droning speeches at a dinner, flights canceled, the world waiting, the planet simply yawns.
We may make it to France. We may make it to Normandy.
Not up to us really. It is up to the planet. She acts on her time. No clocks, calendars, agendas. Just earth. The real deal.
Timeless. Ageless.
She calmly looks around as we run here and there.
What a sight.
In the ageless experiment, see if you can replicate the earth herself. Nature herself. Simply be.


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