We were asked to gently touch the bark of the tree. Gently. Finger tips touch. We each walked throughout the forest looking for that tree that called out to each one of us. This is the Pacific coast on a February morning. South of Carmel in the heart of Big Sur.
After crossing a fallen tree type log over a stream I came across it.
First touching, then gently touching. Could you feel the life inside the tree. Could you feel the pulse of the tree. The vibration. The story of that tree. The connection.
As we sat around later that evening talking about the day I realized that when we touch we so often do not gently touch. Finger tip touch. Feel the life, pulse,story touch of the ones that are so important to us on our life's journey. A conscious, loving, caring,knowing finger tip connection.
Next time you want to connect with the important ones try a gentle finger tip touch. Feel their story.
The next morning we had this same adventure but this time we let nature touch us, feel our pulse and our story. An ageless experiment.


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