What does it take to risk it all. What would you risk it all for. No next minute. No next hug, hello, touch or caress. The void, as far as we know for sure. What would it be. Or would you not risk it all for anything or anyone. Just slowly fade away without any final statement that this is what it and you meant to your life and your loved ones. As time goes by, as birthdays approach, as dates of consequence appear, it becomes a relevant, meaningful inquiry. What do you stand for. What do you mean to yourself. The question was asked. But it was all hypothetical until the choice is presented. Is each day interchangeable or does each day make a difference.How large do you define yourself. How narrow. As he whispered a few words into the phone, the question presented itself. In the end ,he whispered a simple..thank you. Can we live a life where our important ones in our life can whisper a simple…thank you. What life would you live to receive that tribute. Living a life of thanks. An ageless experiment.


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