What would the list look like. How long would it be. How many categories. How many subparts. How many numbers. How many letters.
What would your list look like.
The list of nonsense you want out of your life. The list of negative you want to expunge from your day. The list of draining of energy you want out of your energy field.
What would your life feel like once that is done.
Would there finally be space for the positive, the worthy, the thoughtful, the wise, the joyful, the laughter, the lightness of light if the darkness of the list was completed.
Start the list. The nonsense list. Remove it from your life. But it starts with naming it. Verbalizing it. You can not remove it until you call it by its right name.
Then begin the new list. The positive list that makes sense. Not nonsense.
The list.
An ageless experiment.


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