Who is that one person. Above all others. The one. The one that is unconditional in every way. The one who is your biggest fan and most honest,respectful critic. The one you can depend on no matter what. The one who stands there and stands up for you. Is that the same one you worry about, care about, dream about and would go the distance for. The one you stand with and confront the events of the day with. When it is going south, you have each other and can figure out a way north. It is rare to find such a person. It is rare to be such a person. Such people seem like endangered species in an age of avatars and quick fixes and easy cure ads. They are the ones worth fighting for. It is a relationship worth fighting for.
Once you found this wonderful person be forever grateful. You are in rarified air. You are one of the blessed ones.
She is present in my life. She is the one who counts. She is the one I look at and say thank you to whoever you say thank you to. She is my one. Find your one. An ageless experiment.


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