You are right where you are supposed to be. That simple,direct statement said it all.
We sat around the restaurant dining table in Bayeux, France. The journey through the invasion was felt by all four of us. Friends had decided to come here for all different reasons. but here we were.
Each at a crossroad in our lives. Time and life had changed us, defined us and brought us to the Normandy beaches.
The Screaming Eagles, The Big Red One, Easy Company, the band of brothers were now whispering to us through the ages.
You are where you are supposed to be. That phrase filled the air. It seeped through each pore.
Assess where you are now. Accept the reality of where you are now. A very zen moment. Accepting reality.
Adapt as needed to that reality. Yesterday's plan as relates to yesterday's reality is irrelevant and only puts you in a state of denial as to what is. Overcome. Witness the present moment, the changed landscape of your life and conquer whatever is before you.
Each person has their own journey. Their own lessons. Their own life and death.
Can you accept that you are where you are supposed to be. As the years race by, as the images of a life well lived through service to a greater cause surround us at Bayeax and the many villages we visited it becomes clearer. Live now. Live here. Live where you are with the variations that occur as time passes and your life unfolds.
Others are where they are supposed to be too. No competition. Just accepting of the reality.
As I adjusted to this next stage in the adventure, I saw the cap. There were many caps in the stores along the way but I bought this one.
I walked out of the shop and Margie turned and said so that is the one that spoke to you.
It has a big red 1 on the front.
Yep. The Big Red One.
The infantry. The on the ground warriors.
We headed back to Honfleur for a quiet night of reflection.


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