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Certain words you just don’t hear a lot about these days. You don’t hear them used in conversation anymore. You hear a lot of words like great, super, spectacular  but not  “goodness”.  And yet goodness feels like what is needed now more than ever. Kindness. Decency.  Generosity. Goodness. Goodness to me seems to be connected […]

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Sooner or later

Sooner or later. Mostly later it seems. We wake up to the reality that the sands are slipping from one side of the hour glass to the other and …. The hour glass can’t be turned over to start again. Sooner or later…usually later we open our eyes to the unbending truth that we are […]

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Getting out alive

Each day stands alone. Each day has its own story. Each day begins and ends. Each day is an endangered species. Each day is fragile. Frail. Ageless. And each day can be the beginning of a new adventure or the end of the entire tale. So think about it.  No one gets out of life […]

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Spread the message

It is easy to just keep doing the same things over and over. The routine. Yet each day is unique. The day should not be a rut. The relationships. The connections. The unfolding legacy. Each day is an endangered species. Each day you can begin again.  Each morning the sun rises and there is unlimited […]

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New year thoughts.

Every year the ritual takes place. Farewells and resolutions.  This time it feels different.  It feels more. Maybe the health issues this past year added to the  drama of life. Open heart surgery I guess gets its point across.  We are strong and fragile at the same time.  The ultimate human paradox. So how to […]

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The unexpected.

It is always there. Sometimes lurking. Sometimes kind of even expected .  But not.  The unexpected. Not have to be bad or good. Just not anticipated at that moment in time or in your life. The accident.  The injury.  The wrong turn. The right turn and happy surprise. The good news. The sudden sad news. […]

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The deep

The deep. The connection between us must go deep. There seems to be surface living today. Almost hit and run connections.  Rushing someplace else. Looking away. Texting in the middle of calls.  What would it feel like to put away the distractions and be present with yourself and with one who matters. I have been […]

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True north

We all need a true north. A core belief that gets us through the dark moments. A moral compass when confronted with challenges of all shapes and sizes.  I have come to believe  it is a sense of personal meaning for how we spend our time here. It seems that contentment is a by product […]

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The river

It is the same but different. The river flows. It is there. It is always the same yet always moving and different from moment to moment. Time is like the river. The same but different. It flows. It is always moving. And we travel in it. We are passengers in the river of time. It […]

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The hero’s journey

We are all on one. Each of us. There is always a challenge. An obstacle. Sooner or later we are confronted with it. Our moment of truth. Are we victim, observer or hero. It is so easy to turn away. But we must not. We must face our challenge. There is that high noon moment. […]

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