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The connection

Sometimes it just happens. Not planned.  Not expected. Not anticipated. There is this connection between certain people. It is unexplainable. There is just this connection. Is it spiritual? Is it a knowing? A silent history? A coming together. You feel safe. You feel known. You feel secure. You feel like you can be yourself and […]

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I have been reflecting on life and what we cherish most as the days wind along. As each day goes by what is it that you want and truly need to do and be. Especially as I went through the recent surgery I again realized what I want to do and be. I want to […]

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Getting out alive

Each day stands alone. Each day has its own story. Each day begins and ends. Each day is an endangered species. Each day is fragile. Frail. Ageless. And each day can be the beginning of a new adventure or the end of the entire tale. So think about it.  No one gets out of life […]

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Spread the message

It is easy to just keep doing the same things over and over. The routine. Yet each day is unique. The day should not be a rut. The relationships. The connections. The unfolding legacy. Each day is an endangered species. Each day you can begin again.  Each morning the sun rises and there is unlimited […]

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New year thoughts.

Every year the ritual takes place. Farewells and resolutions.  This time it feels different.  It feels more. Maybe the health issues this past year added to the  drama of life. Open heart surgery I guess gets its point across.  We are strong and fragile at the same time.  The ultimate human paradox. So how to […]

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The unexpected.

It is always there. Sometimes lurking. Sometimes kind of even expected .  But not.  The unexpected. Not have to be bad or good. Just not anticipated at that moment in time or in your life. The accident.  The injury.  The wrong turn. The right turn and happy surprise. The good news. The sudden sad news. […]

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We have this one chance …as far as we know. This one opportunity to tell a story. Our choices then write that story on a daily basis.  Ever wonder why some never tell the story that is waiting to be told? Holding back? Fearful of the critics?  Yet each day the time is  running out. […]

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Back to shore

Sooner or later all the boats, swimmers, and other travelers need to come back to shore. That is life’s journey. So while you are out there travel bravely. Seek the horizon. Watch the sunrise and sunset in some romantic spot. Then just remember the return trip is always present. Travel safely.

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What counts

What counts? Think about it. What really counts? In the end what counted? It turns out it is all the things  you can’t buy. You can’t purchase. You can’t barter. It turns out to be the intangibles in life. Intangible matters. Character. Nobility. Moral compass. Decency. Love. Hope. Caring. Legacy. What can you add to […]

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A walk

Telluride. Film festival. Labor Day. A walk through films, interviews, faces, meeting up with friends and strangers,  appreciating art and ideas.  I realized that that is what life is all about. A walk through ideas, an appreciation of life as an art form, meeting up with friends and strangers who may become friends, and seeing […]

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