February 19: Certain dates just stay with you. Certain dates are an anniversary of sorts and the meaning lingers because of the change that takes place.
Yes, there are birth-dates and wedding anniversariy dates. But right now let's talk about some other dates that change your life and then become your spiritual number.
We are not talking about a day of the week, although certain events take place that make that day of the week a forever day, but rather a date. A number.Every month there it is. That number.
The 19th is such a date.
An anniversary of sorts. A re-birth date of sorts. A re-play date of sorts.
The date the dice were rolled, it was put on the line, the tunnel was entered and exited, the new beginning began.
Is there such a date for each of us. Is there more than one such date.
The 19th.
The placing of faith in another. The moment of prayer.
The journey from home. The result being an up in the air event until it is not.
Cherish such a date.
Some times it might not be what you expect. It might be a growth date. We know how those can be….not all smiles and cheers as occurring but when you look back through the lens of time you recognize the positive growth that occurred.
The 19th..
A beautuful number.
A number that is ageless.


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