But are the intentions honorable. Isn't that the ultimate question. There are words, actions and reactions. Eloquent words can be so misleading. Simple words can be so profound.
Putting aside all the words it comes down to intentions. Some say that the true essence of a person is found in their intentions.
Intentions are the silent part of the conversation. Look at business, politics or any occupation and you hear words, words and more words. But what is the silent intention behind the words.
You walk into a room. It is filled with a convention of…you name the profession…and there is constant chatter, but you are drawn to one person. The words may be the same but you sense that the intention is different.
It is instinctual. Many times silence holds the power of the intention. Less is more. Cultivate the silent part of communication. Search for the meaning in the silence. Look for the intentions. We know we are perfectly imperfect. We know we make mistakes and admit them and do not engage in the blame game. So we search for intent. Teach your children to look for the silent part in the debate. There is just so much noise these days. So many opinions and false facts. Hyperbole runs wild today. Hyperbole masks itself as truth when it is anything but. Seek the silence.  
Words may get old but intentions are ageless. An experiment in the ageless journey.


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