March 5: But I don't know how old I am was the answer. Honesty, I don't know.
What year were you born was the retort.
I know that.
Well, then you know how old you are.
But I don't was the response.
You are now just being foolish was the reply.
Don't think so.
How old someone is and when they were born are two different things Yet so many confuse the two. Calendar years and how old someone is are not the same thing. Why do we think otherwise. I guess it is just easier to think that "boxy"
But make no mistake, years here and how old someone is are distinct and separate concepts.
I have seen old "calendar" young folks. There is no accomplishment in being calendar young or old…that is just paper calculations.
The issue is you are you period.
Don't diminish yourself simply because a calendar shows a number. You are not a number.
Don't be a prisoner to a number. Escape and find your agelessness.


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