Saint-Malo and the discovery of you

When you wander ancient cities and villages, something happens to you. At least it does to me. You enter another time. You hear the whispers of those that went before. You hear their story and walk on the cobblestones where they walked. You enter their world and it changes your world.
Saint- Malo in France was one of those journeys. Beautiful, bold, dramatic, sweeping and haunting.
We wandered the narrow streets and made our way to the walls that separate it from the sea. The statute of Cartier is there. Explorer. Adventurer. Sailed to Canada before it was Canada.
You can feel the hustle of the days of the explorers, the danger, the unknown, the absolute risk and it makes you feel odd and absurd as you remember the concern about simply locating a parking space so you can wander back in time.
Can you explore the world you occupy now, find the adventure, the danger, the absolute risk or are you merely marking time until time is done with you.
Saint-Malo permitted me to dream about discovery, passion,love and lust for the pure risk that can be taken at any moment in your time here.
Be an explorer. Set sail from your personal harbor. Lift the anchor weighing you down. Unleash your inner adventurer. Don’t be so sure of it all. Discovery happens when you set sail.
It is an ageless proposition.

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How to explain it. It is a combination of DNA, genes, exercise,attitude, diet,mindset, motorcycles, silliness, long term healthy marriage, love, appreciation, gratitude and a continued sense of awe …that keeps you ageless and timeless. Motorcycles. Yes. A sense of risk, freedom, agility,nimbleness and passion. Exercise. Yes. The mind/body/soul connection. The release of chemicals in the […]

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Volcanos, Iceland, France, D-Day and time.Every once in a while…maybe only once in a lifetime…do events unfold that puts everything in context and once again establishes nature as the all knowing and man's position papers, man's chatter, man's commentary as nothing more than chatter, commentary and position papers. Empty stuff indeed.There is an old saying: […]

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