So we sat around on that chilly winter evening and decided to play a game.
A word game. What words we rarely hear anymore,but use to, that we wish we heard more often.
And not only hear the words but experience what the words mean. Practice the words.
The fire was roaring grandly in the fireplace as we started. All generations were represented in the group. The ages went from 18 to 75. The stories covered the meaning of the words to each as an individual but also as a story of the culture of their generation.
It was not only naming the word but why the word was important to us and what the loss of the word in common use meant to us.
They were welcome strangers.
We began: Serenity, radiance, nourishing, humility, benevolent, tolerant,moderate, eternal, infinite, content, insightful, yielding, genuine, and grace were the main ones that kept coming up again and again. They were quoted, used in a sentence and them we discussed how we would live a day…just one day..being the expression of that word.
How we longed to live in a time when these words took front and center in our everyday world.
Pick a word you want to live with and be the expression of today. Pick your own word. How would you express it…such as…ageless.


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