What if all that you needed or wanted you already had but ignored it.
As I sweated out the last round of the exercise for the morning it hit me. We have the greatest gift yet disregard it so lightly as if it were a stranger to us.
Our body.
Odd indeed.
We ignore ourselves. We take ourselves for granted. Especially as we get older it seems that our body becomes more and more a stranger to us. But why should we permit that to happen.
You deserve better of yourself. It is not as if some stranger is imposing itself on you. It is you.
Start introducing yourself to you again.
I saw him walk down the corridor today. Nearly dragging himself along.
As if he was inside some enemy territory.
But if you reframed it. If you realized that it is all of you and you deserve better of yourself would you accept the gift you have been given and treat it with the respect it is entitled.
No duality.
Find yourself today. Begin. It is an ageless project in action.


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