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In These Five Breaths

What would you do in your last five breaths?  Can there be salvation in the last five breaths ?  Can you solve the puzzle that is you and your life in the last five breaths. This is the theme of my new book in progress. No breath is wasted. Each breath holds the promise of […]

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The loss

There is this sense of loss. The loss of the mystery of it all. The magic that is life. The majesty that is the day. The beauty of time. Yet there is now so much noise. So much chatter. So much self stuff that the context of it all is lost. Between the constant chatter […]

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Future history

It is not an oxymoron.  Future history. Unless you can put your life in context with both your whole story and the grand story that we are all part of …past, present and future…you are blinded by simple distractions and obstacles. We all have the challenge. The climb. But they can blind us unless we […]

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Wander and wonder

Wander and wonder.  It seems that when you break out of the routine of everyday everyday and wander it permits you to wonder outside the norm and recapture who you are and the journey you are on. The routine has a way of freezing you and the issues in place …no matter how creative you […]

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The excuse

There always seems to be the excuse. The reason why we don’t seek change. The reason why we stay in place. The reason why we don’t challenge ourselves. The excuse. It is always clever, sounds sincere , appears thoughtful yet is still the excuse to not step out of our comfort zone and live the […]

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Hour of the Wolf

Keep in mind that no one gets out of life alive. That is the reality.  Sooner or later that truth is front and center.  Then you start appreciating the gift of the moment.  The days keep racing by. No stopping them from doing that. The hour of the wolf is your wake up call to […]

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Courage in the age of uncertainty

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The search

We are constantly on the search for the meaning of our time here.  Whether you realize it or not. That is always the undercurrent of all you do. The why. The how come. The search. The meaning. The purpose. The legacy. The impact. The comfort in knowing you meant something positive to someone. That you […]

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I hadn’t seen him in a long time. Just the way life is sometimes. Our paths just hadn’t crossed for a bit. But then there he was.  It was at a local farmers market. You know that place on a weekend to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables and assorted local dishes. I didn’t recognize […]

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Hour of the Wolf

Over the last few months I have had the pleasure and honor of discussing Wolf with a number of  groups. It seems that the link with so many is the concept of time, choices and consequences. Time is such a gift. A gift that is usually ignored until it has just about run out. It […]

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